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Wiish configuration


AndroidConfig = ref object
  java_package_name*: string
  archs*: seq[AndroidArchPair]
  min_sdk_version*: Natural
  target_sdk_version*: Natural
  version_code*: int64
BaseConfig = ref object
MacConfig = ref object
  codesign_identity*: string
  bundle_id*: string
  info_plist_append*: string
MacDesktopConfig = ref object
  category_type*: string
MaciOSConfig = ref object
  sdk_version*: string
  provisioning_profile*: string
WiishConfig = ref object
  name*: string              ## project name
  version*: string           ## project version
  src*: string               ## main nim file
  outDir*: string            ## directory where build products should go
  iconPath*: string
  resourceDir*: string
  nimFlags*: seq[string]
  appWindowFormat*: WindowFormat
WindowFormat = enum


proc `$`[C: ref object](cfg: C): string
proc add(c`gensym0: WiishConfig; sub`gensym0: MacConfig) {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Attach an additional configuration object of type T to the given WiishConfig
proc add(c`gensym17: WiishConfig; sub`gensym17: MacDesktopConfig) {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Attach an additional configuration object of type T to the given WiishConfig
proc add(c`gensym34: WiishConfig; sub`gensym34: MaciOSConfig) {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Attach an additional configuration object of type T to the given WiishConfig
proc add(c`gensym51: WiishConfig; sub`gensym51: AndroidConfig) {....raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Attach an additional configuration object of type T to the given WiishConfig
proc get(wc`gensym0: WiishConfig; ext`gensym0: typedesc[MacConfig]): MacConfig
Get a previously-attached config extension of type T
proc get(wc`gensym17: WiishConfig; ext`gensym17: typedesc[MacDesktopConfig]): MacDesktopConfig
Get a previously-attached config extension of type T
proc get(wc`gensym34: WiishConfig; ext`gensym34: typedesc[MaciOSConfig]): MaciOSConfig
Get a previously-attached config extension of type T
proc get(wc`gensym51: WiishConfig; ext`gensym51: typedesc[AndroidConfig]): AndroidConfig
Get a previously-attached config extension of type T
proc has(wc`gensym0: WiishConfig; ext`gensym0: typedesc[MacConfig]): bool
proc has(wc`gensym17: WiishConfig; ext`gensym17: typedesc[MacDesktopConfig]): bool
proc has(wc`gensym34: WiishConfig; ext`gensym34: typedesc[MaciOSConfig]): bool
proc has(wc`gensym51: WiishConfig; ext`gensym51: typedesc[AndroidConfig]): bool
proc hash(c: WiishConfig): Hash {....raises: [], tags: [].}


template extend(T: typed; dft: untyped)
Extend WiishConfig with purpose-specific configuration data
template with(wc`gensym0: WiishConfig; ext`gensym0: typedesc[MacConfig];
              varname`gensym0: untyped; body`gensym0: untyped): untyped
template with(wc`gensym17: WiishConfig;
              ext`gensym17: typedesc[MacDesktopConfig];
              varname`gensym17: untyped; body`gensym17: untyped): untyped
template with(wc`gensym34: WiishConfig;
              ext`gensym34: typedesc[MaciOSConfig]; varname`gensym34: untyped;
              body`gensym34: untyped): untyped
template with(wc`gensym51: WiishConfig;
              ext`gensym51: typedesc[AndroidConfig]; varname`gensym51: untyped;
              body`gensym51: untyped): untyped